A political theory can only be judged by its effects when turned into praxis. From the historical record reviewed on these pages, we conclude that Progressivism is not a doctrine for the advancement of minorities; it is a device to exploit minorities as a pretext to destroy civilization.
Let us imagine, however, that someone actually gave a damn about blacks and racial harmony in the United States. What agenda would such a philanthropic pragmatist pursue? Here we take a stab at an answer. First, abolish all cash welfare handouts. The Annona (i.e. Rome's Universal Basic Income) turned the Roman plebs into a degenerate mob. It has done the same to the inhabitants of black ghettos. The government instead provides guaranteed work. Are you unemployed and possibly unemployable? No worries. The state will require your services for some sort of simple, preferably manual craft (no DMV office, sorry). You will be housed at public expense in a residential annex near the workplace. The premises are regulated and inspected: no drugs or alcohol allowed, on pain of expulsion. Crime is dealt with ruthlessly and summarily. Obviously there is no obligation to join or remain, but if you don't, there's zero public assistance of any kind: you are free to find private employment and housing. These mixed work/residential centers also provide adult and child education: classes designed to teach adaptive ways to live in a modern society. In general, it is made clear that you are in control of and responsible for your own life. Respecting the law, eschewing drugs, the material and psychological benefits of a stable marriage, and the nobility of work are the central themes inculcated, over and over. Yes, Victorian morality; clearly the post-1960s counterpart doesn't work. |
"Work is good. It truly is a motive for life... where shall I turn, what shall I do? are the voices of people grieving. Idleness is torture." |
Second, after the carrots, some sticks. Drug dealers and shoplifters are shunted off to prison; if you persist, you are cleared out of the community for good. Discipline in schools is restored to a non-risible approximation of the concept; if cops and/or corporal punishment by teachers are required for this, so be it. By the way, since blacks commit 56% of all murders but make up only 23% of victims of police shootings, we conclude that ghettos are currently under-policed, not over-policed. So increase police recruitment and funding, and protect the honest people living there. Pathological aspects of "ghetto culture", i.e. trashing of public and private property, indiscriminate shootings for trivialities: |
Debts and competition over goods and women—especially women—drove many killings. But insults, snitching, drunken antics, and the classic “unwanted party guests” also were common homicide motives. |
...are stigmatized everywhere and at all times as a shame brought by the perpetrators on all black people, till these behaviors become internally-enforced taboos. Use race as an incentive for good behavior, instead of an excuse for bad.
If a portion of the black underclass is truly irredeemable, put them away in prison for life. Crime having always been the real issue, we predict that these reforms in the space of one or two generations would not only remedy the damage done to blacks by "Progressive" ideologues; they would positively turn the United States into a post-racial idyll. The only pitfall: America would be a successful civilized monoculture, and most academics would need to find a real job (they could join our residential work centers, though we personally would prefer to see them in salt mines). Curious, isn't it, that this program is pretty much the antithesis of current "Social Justice" mantras. The believers would denounce it with cries of "RACISM!!" and screaming frenzies. And this tells you all you need to know about the function of "minorities" in their belief system. |